I want to add a paragraph to the wiki on hardware requirements for SoaS.

>From http://fedoraproject.org/en/get-fedora
For Fedora 16 I see:
        A 400MHz or faster processor
        At least 768 MB memory (RAM), 1 GB recommended for best performance.

Is it relevant to quote this for SoaS?

I found SoaS would fit on a 1GB stick but I quickly wasted the free
space. I would recommend a 2GB stick as a good working minimum for a
newcomer, any comments?

Is the best advice to a newcomer to install the latest version of SoaS?
        I am thinking, is there any benefit in any older version, on an older

My work in progress is here
My only qualification for undertaking this is that I am getting started
myself, so if anyone has anything to add or correct I would appreciate
aka inkyfingers

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