On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 08:23:49AM +0500, Sebastian Silva wrote:
> Hi Sugar Community,
> /* En castellano más abajo */
> I would like to propose this feature for inclusion in the next Sugar 
> release:
> /
> "To gather usage statistics in separate logs from error logs (up to a 
> storage limit).
> The software improvement process requires usage statistics data to learn 
> from our users."/
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features/Statistics_gathering
> /* Castellano */
> Me gustaría proponer la siguiente característica para inclusión en la 
> próxima versión de Sugar:
> "/La recolección de estadísticas de uso en registros separados de los 
> registros de error (hasta un
> límite de almacenamiento). El proceso de mejoramiento de software 
> require de estadísticas de
> uso para aprender de nuestros usuarios."
> / http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features/Statistics_gathering
> Regards,
> Sebastian

INHO, the same data might be gathered w/o any sugar shell coding at
all, i.e., using things like DBus and X11 events sniffing. That should
let keepping shell code more clear (not monitoring code messing w/
regular one) and gathering feature more localized (if someone needs it,
just run the monitor, if you don't need it, do not bother about possible
sniffing in sugar code at all).


As it was announced in SSK-1.0 release notes, this feature will be a part
of SSK-1.2 release. http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Server_Kit/1.2/Todo

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