On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Nagarjuna G <nagar...@gnowledge.org> wrote:

> We have been using chat activity in the Khairat School near Mumbai on
> OLPC.  While working with the kids we thought about some modified behavior
> of chat activity that may be useful.  I am posting this idea to know if any
> such activity already exists, if not would any one be interested in
> developing.
> One of the persons in the room announces quiz, the person who does this
> can post questions to the others in the room.  When others reply, the
> messages will not be broadcasted immediately, till the 'quiz master'
> releases or asks another question or exceeds the auto set time.  If we do
> this simple change of the chat activity, we can get excellent continuous
> evaluation tool.
> What do you think of the idea?  Unless i have surprise to know it is
> already possible in one of the activities.
> thanks in advance
> --
> GN
> http://metaStudio.org/ reShaping Education

Consider the Activity Poll,

It has some of these features.

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