On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 11:19:06PM +0000, Aleksey Lim wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 09:49:44PM +0000, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
> > On 19 December 2011 19:34, Aleksey Lim <alsr...@activitycentral.org> wrote:
> > >> Is a social network?
> > >
> > > It is exactly what http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Network#Summary
> > > says, ie, share various types of content
> > > (http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Network/Concept#Resources)
> > > between Network participants. In might be treated as a "distributed
> > > social network", but it not only about this, see the purpose section
> > > on http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Network#Summary, ie,
> > 
> > IMHO, you will need to get a lot more concrete than that if you want
> > anyone to understand what you are trying to do.
> The brief info,
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Platform_Team/Sugar_Network/Architecture#Functioning
> In any case, the server is only what it provides via API, ie,
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Platform_Team/Sugar_Network/API
> and the same from conceptual point of view
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Network/Concept#Resources

But, as I already menitoned, on top of this low level [server]
implementation, it might be a good chance (the real one, becuase there
are not many options to support off-line schools) to try to make social
network like methods closer to Sugar workflow.

For example:

1)  Sharing Activity objects across community.

    There is TA gallery.
    * To use it, people need to
      * go to TA home page
      * find there a like
      * bookmark it somehow
      * open the Browser
      * click the object you like and Browser will ask you to download
      * switch to Journal and activate it
    * To upload new object:
      * Create TA object
      * open the browser
      * and found there TA site
      * login there
      * upload TA object

    (it works only if you on-line)

    Making it close, will mean:
    * To use it, people need to:
      * Sugar Network Browser is open from the beginning (somewhere), go there
      * select TA/Gallery to browse only TA objects
      * click the object you like to activate it
    * To upload new object:
      * click "Share" button in Journal
      * somewhere on post-creation dialog, click "Share"

    (and thats not only for TA)

2)  Feedback report on activity fails.

    It was implemented in Dextrose but reports go to jita.sl.o and
    accessible only for people who have account there.
    Not because it was designed this way, but because the reports
    representer needs to be created.

    Making it close, will mean that Sugar Network has this functionality
    by design. To see these reports, particular developer (who cares
    about exactly this particular activity report, i.e., not someone
    else who need to sort out all reports to share it w/ developers)
    can see them.

3)  The idea w/ http://getsatisfaction.com/sugarlabs died, but I guess
    not only because people who use sugar (not developers or experienced
    users who know what ML and IRC are) don't have questions/ideas/problems
    with sugar.

    If the same functionality will be closer
        * find the activity project in the GUI
        * switch to it
        * type your question/idea/problem
        instead of:
        * be on-line
        * know/remember http://getsatisfaction.com/sugarlabs url
        * open the Browser
        * login (you need to be registered and remember the password)
        * type your question/idea/problem
    to people who are the targeting audience, we will have more feedback
    for sure.

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