On 01/17/2012 10:48 PM, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
Hi Gonzalo,

thanks for the patch! Here are a few notes:

- when you have a text selected and want it to be spoken out a clipboard
entry is created (I guess you need to have a look at why the clipboard tray
reacts to that selection)

I only see this problem with the Write activity, not with Read, Browse or
May be Write is doing anything different with the clipboard?

Ahh, ok yes - seems to only happen with Write. Can you please have a look why that happens?

- you specify gconf keys, those would need to be added to the schema as


- when you select a long text for reading there is no way to pause/stop
it, might be worth having that option as well

It's true. I have added controls to pause/stop in the palette.
I have tried with two options (please see
One option with menu items and the other with buttons. The option with menu
items looks better,
but when the item is activated, the palette close, then if you want
pause/play more than one time
is annoying.
The option with buttons is better for usability, because the palette is not
but is uglier (the separator does not take all the palette width). Advice
is welcomed.
The code is commented in the patch then is easy test the two options
(SpeechPalette __init__ and _set_buttons_state)

A technical detail about the new gtk-3 based palettes:

"...As a result of this, palettes can now pack either a user-defined collection of widgets, or a menu, but types can no longer be mixed. This should only affect a handful of palettes which will need to pick a single approach and convert to it."

This means the approach with packing menu items into the palettes and having in combination with the sliders is not future proof. Would be good if we could find another way of handling it,other palettes (like the speaker one) will be interested in a solution as well.

I don't know what to do with the hot key. Pause if the user press when a
text is being played?

- the shortcut is a bit long, maybe 'alt+s' is enough? (see above, maybe
there is a shortcut as well for stopping? or hitting it again does stop the
current playing one?)

Ok, changed. To stop we use Ctrl + q

'Ctrl+q' is already in use for activity closing, no? Can you elaborate what you are proposing or describing?

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