Very nice!  Thanks for the update, James...

On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 12:48 PM, James Simmons <> wrote:
> Yesterday I received a proof copy from Create Space for "Make Your Own Sugar
> Activities!" and it looked good so I approved it for sale.  You can buy it
> on Amazon or on CreateSpace:
> Amazon URL:
> CreateSpace URL:
> And, for comparison purposes only, the old Lulu URL:
> The interior of the book is exactly the same whether you buy from Lulu or
> CreateSpace.  The page size is the same too.  But there are differences!
> 1).  The correct title of the book, including the exclamation point, is on
> the CreateSpace edition, in large, friendly letters.  The Lulu version is
> missing the exclamation point and uses ALL CAPS in a cold Sans Serif font.
> 2).  The author of the book is shown on the front cover and on the spine in
> the CreateSpace version.
> 3).  The CreateSpace version has a full color photo of the author on the
> back cover.
> 4).  The CreateSpace book has a real ISBN number and a bar code on the back
> to prove it.
> 5).  Lulu charges $18.43 for this book.  Create Space will only charge $7.50
> for its version, which is either JUST AS GOOD or almost as good, depending
> on how you feel about the author photo.  This will give me about a dollar in
> royalties if you buy through Amazon or about two dollars if you go through
> CreateSpace directly.  (There are of course benefits to me if you buy from
> Amazon, too.  Like I'll get that thing where it says "People who bought this
> also bought The Life And Times Of Bhakta Jim.  Or E-Book Enlightenment.  Or
> The Diamond Age".)
> As far as Amazon is concerned it will only be available from, not
> the other Amazon sites worldwide.  CreateSpace has this deal called Extended
> Distribution where if you pay $30 they will list your book in catalogs used
> by bookstores, etc.  This will make it possible that the book could be sold
> on other Amazon sites, etc., but no guarantees.  The e-book is already
> available on many (but not all) Amazon sites worldwide and hasn't set any
> sales records there, so I figure I'll keep the $30.  Customers from outside
> the U.S. should be able to order from CreateSpace.
> I have two other books I will offer this way: Como Hacer Una Actividad Sugar
> and E-Book Enlightenment:Reading And Leading With One Laptop Per Child.  I
> should get proof copies of these in a few days.
> As far as Lulu is concerned, MYOSA was put there by the FLOSS Manuals
> website and they have received whatever profits there were from Lulu sales.
>  I don't think it was much money, and they never really marketed the book
> (like for instance listing it in the FLOSS Manuals Bookstore section of
> their website).  If I thought it was making money for them I wouldn't
> compete with them, but as things are I think I can move more paper this way.
>  The other two books never had printed versions before.
> If someone could post the URLs on OLPC or Sugar Labs websites I'd be
> grateful.
> James Simmons
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