On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 8:19 PM, Gary Martin <garycmar...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 4:54 PM, Daniel Drake <d...@laptop.org> wrote:
>>> Until now, Read was using python-lxml for XML parsing in epub support.
>>> Gonzalo just pushed a patch that makes it use Python's internal XML
>>> libraries, thanks Gonzalo.
>>> I'm considering dropping python-lxml from OLPC's builds as a result -
>>> it is not needed.
>>> Or does anyone know of other activities that use python-lxml?
>>> It is not part of http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.96/Platform_Components

> Did a grep through the current activity bundles on ASLO, the Activities that 
> lit up for lxml that need a closer look at are:

Thanks for the exhaustive search!

> - some of the GCompris activties such as GCompris, GComprisAdministration, 
> GComprisAnim, GComprisDraw, GComprisRedraw have lxml2 listed in the Makefile 
> or as dependency_libs

These link against the C library libxml2, doesn't use lxml.

> - JAMCalibre (looks like it packages lxml in the bundles)

Yes, its bundled. Hard to see how/if it uses it since a lot of source
code is missing.

> - JAMediaTube

This only uses lxml for displaying descriptions, and already copes if
its not installed (no descriptions shown).
It could instead use BeautifulSoup for HTML parsing - this is nicer
(IMO) and is not going away any time soon.
CCing author.

> - MouseCam

This links against the C library libxml2, doesn't use lxml.

> - Possibly OOo4Kids (binary file pattern hits)

If it's a binary its not an issue. Only python code will be affected here.

> - an experimental version of Read someone has created called Anno

Will need updating to latest Read code anyway to continue working on F17.

So I'm still feeling comfortable about dropping lxml and will probably
do so soon.

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