== Source ==


== News ==

* Release 0.96.3 (Simon Schampijer)
* sugar-session: disable Metacity mouse button modifiers, OLPC #11781 (Daniel 
    Metacity provides "mouse button modifier" functionality which lets
    you drag activity windows around the screen, amongst other things.
    This is something we want to disable, similar to how we disable
    metacity's key bindings.
    In recent metacity releases, Alt is the default mouse button modifier.
    We especially want to disable this functionality in this case because
    Sugar uses Alt for other things, such as launching a new activity
    instance (rather than a journal entry) from the home screen.
    This patch depends on the metacity commit 
    which adds a new 'metacity-message' option to 
    and to "disable-mouse-button-modifiers", in both cases it has to be set to
    true. For example, this patch has been added to metacity-2.34.3-2.fc17 in
    Fedora. Running Sugar with a metacity version that does not have this patch
    does work fine, we exit gracefully and display a warning that the
    "disable-mouse-button-modifiers" message could not be applied.
    There are two ways to verify this:
    - open the Terminal Activity, hold the alt-key down and try to
      click-drag the window ---> dragging the window around should not
      be possible
    - hold the alt key down and start an Activity from the home
      screen ---> a new instance should be created rather than resuming
      an old one
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