Great, all three patches pushed, thanks a lot for the quick review.


On 06/21/2012 02:06 PM, Manuel Quiñones wrote:
2012/6/21 Benjamin Berg <>:
On Thu, 2012-06-21 at 10:52 +0200, Simon Schampijer wrote:
The create_palette mechanism allows to create
palettes on demand and not for each icon upfront
whether it will be needed or not.

If you hover over an EventIcon and there is no
palette already associated with the Invoker, the Invoker
will call create_palette to see if it can be created
on demand. With this patch the EventIcon will return None
here (see as well CellRendererIcon or ToggleToolButton which
are having the same default behavior).
When subclassing EventIcon the create_palette method can
be overwritten and a Palette returned (see for example
the ActivityIcon in the HomeView).

Without this patch you can see tracebacks when hovering
over the EventIcon because the Invoker tries to call

Duck typing at its best. Of course EventIcon needs to implement the


And here the test script from the previous patch is useful again. The
traceback """AttributeError: 'EventIcon' object has no attribute
'create_palette'""" is gone.

Signed-off-by: Simon Schampijer <>
Reviewed-by: Benjamin Berg <>
Reviewed-by: Manuel Quiñones <>

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