On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 8:55 AM, Gonzalo Odiard <gonz...@laptop.org> wrote:
> Well, if we have a URL, is not autodiscover ;)
> Gonzalo

I was looking at the get-books.cfg file. I got some success by
including <IP address>/latest.atom in the catalog, but that only lists
5 books (in my settings, I have 5 books per page). Same goes for other
types (by-title.atom, etc). I couldn't find the feed that lists the
entire catalog.

Some examples, if you'd like to play with it:
Each tag has its own atom feed.

Having to add the URL to the cfg file by hand using a text editor is
doable, but defeats the purpose of extensibility of the activity
itself. If autodiscover is not feasible, maybe a way to add yet
another feed via GUI ?


>> Not currently, can be a good idea.  What URL can be a good candidate
>> to look for in a LAN?  Maybe we can add a default LAN URL in the
>> config file that can be changed.
>> --
>> .. manuq ..
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