On 07/12/2012 10:48 AM, Daniel Narvaez wrote:
Hi Manuel,

thanks for your patch.

I prefer to not support old distributions in sugar-build, to reduce
the maintenance cost. It appears to just work right now but that
might change during the development cycle or when we make changes to
sugar-build itself (we will have to add master gtk soon for the shell
port, for example) and ensuring everything works as expected on many
distributions is very time consuming. I'd also have to setup two other
buildbot slaves for F16 and those are also quite expensive to
maintain. And when things will start breaking we would probably have
to add special cases to check-system, build certain stuff only on
certain distro, which will increase complexity and bring us back to
the sugar-jhbuild situation...

So, all in all, I prefer to be absolutely certain stuff works out of
the box for everyone on the latest distribution, at a reasonable
maintenance cost, rather than trying to support everything and failing
to do so reliably. I understand it might be annoying for some users to
have to upgrade to F17, but I think it's reasonable to accept that
limitation in exchange for reliability.

If in the future sugar development stops depending on the very cutting
edge of the GNOME stuff I think it might be possible to reasses this
decision, but unfortunately right now I don't see it coming very soon.

I absolutely agree here. Everything comes at a cost. If you want to do edge development you have to be on the edge (hence F17 upwards). I would not loose time on supporting F16.

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