2012/8/14 Martin Langhoff <martin.langh...@gmail.com>:
> Perhaps you mean something else, like the "Python type Unicode". But
> in general discussion, people do use Unicode to mean... Unicode ;-)

Exactly, a lot of times I said unicode meaning PyUnicode, and this
thread started with an issue between two different python types: "str"
and "unicode".

I listened the following definitions at a talk about unicode at the
PyDayUY, I trust in the speaker but it's a good time to revise,
clarify concepts and take a little disambiguation:

Unicode: A standard repertoire of lots of characters. (Association of
numbers with letters, etc.)
UTF-8: (Unicode Transfer Format). Implementation of all the unicode
characters but in Bytes. The computer never works really with Unicode
because all what the computer works with, need to be encoded in bytes,
in this case with UTF-8.

Thinking it well:
Was the Python type well named Unicode?
What does the people usually mean with Unicode?

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