2012/8/19 Simon Schampijer <si...@schampijer.de>:
> Hi,
> I have been working on the confirmation alert for the Journal, submitted a
> patch [1].
> "Erasing an entry in the Journal does not ask for confirmation
> before doing the erase. This patch adds an alert to the ListView
> and the DetailView that asks for confirmation before doing the
> erase. This is part of the touch interaction work [2]".
> I think the need is clear, I just want to confirm the wording of the message
> and title.

"This will erase the object..." can also work, but I think "This will
erase the entry..." works better.

> About the alert for the duplication. I am not 100% convinced it is needed.

+1 to not add an alert in duplication too.

> There is not much harm in duplicating an entry (unless it is really big). I
> try to avoid confirmation alerts when possible. I think the only thing which
> is critical is feedback in that case. In the ListView the feedback is given.
> Duplicating an entry in the DetailView lacks a bit the feedback what has
> happened. Long term an animation would be nice here. Short term options that
> would help giving feedback here (please not an alert:)?

What about a message "duplicating entry..." that dissapears in a few
seconds?  Yes, is an alert :) but without Accept/Cancel buttons.

.. manuq ..
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