> This is a timely and very interesting endeavour.
> Do we have a starting point of workflow formed?

Or will it evolve from the wiki discussions?
> We have been using XO's for quite a while now.
> We have seen sucessful implementations of the XO-laptops and have held
> and hold classes with children in rural areas on a weekly basis.
> I believe iterative development of the interface, should and must
> involve a feedback mechanism from the end-user.

Regarding development of Sugar and Sugar Activities, this is pretty much
what we are trying to achieve with the implementation of Sugar Network; a
collection of feedback resources (from automatic failure reporting to being
able to suggest ideas, questions, problems, reviews and of course usage
statistics) for end-users to exchange with developers.

> Isn't this quite the
> norm in standard software development?
> What one could set out do, is to create prototypes and have feedback
> from the children themselves,  with a proper sample set of
> participants (rural, urban, having english as a second/first
> language).
+1 we have called first prototype "Red Azúcar" and will be tested on the
"Proyecto Piloto Hexoquinasa", only difference is it will start in Spanish
as it will be implemented starting in Perú

> If this becomes part of the development workflow, I'm sure it would
> yield some unexpected  and good results.
We really hope to be able to integrate Sugar Network to research, design
and development work flows  :D

We have recently been evaluating on providing educational content on
> tablets.
> The $35 tablet (http://blog.laptop.org/2010/07/29/welcoming-indias-tablet/
> )
> that was supposed to have been released is still going through a bunch
> of hiccups and it has been almost around a year since things have
> materialized.
> We have been looking at other configurations that offer a bit more
> bang for the buck. An inexpensive device, not a cheap one.
> We have a 80-90 USD priced ARM tablet which considerably has some good
> points. Although nowhere near as rugged as the XO tablet, the price
> point at which it can be offered increases the reach to a much larger
> base.
> As a reference, we did an install of debian with sugar (desktop)  on
> the tablet and the interface is what jumped out at us as being
> extremely tied to the keyboard and mouse paradigm.
> Hello, I'm Johnson Chetty, I work at the Gnowledge Lab, Homi Bhabha
> Centre for Science Education, TIFR, with Dr. G. Nagarjuna at Mumbai,
> India.
> Nice meeting you Johnson, I'm Laura member of Sugar Labs Colombia
Foundation and Sugar Labs Perú Community, active researcher on Technology
applied to Education for the Region at Escuelab.Org and founder member of
the SomosAZUCAR Research and Develpment Team.

> I believe we would be able to do something for this. We speak a bit of
> python, we love linux, and we have direct access to rural children
> learning on the XOs.
Our team surely would appreciate any help you can provide as we are on an
early stage of Alfa Testing for the initial activation of the Sugar

My suggestion would be to download and install the experimental XO
start testing the access to the Sugar Network client (Red Azúcar)
it for documenting your feedback if possible (greatly appreciated even if
it is in English).

In the upcoming future -with the blessings of the Universe- we may be able
to connect your children from rural India with ours from the Andes
mountains :o)

> Thanks,
> --
> Regards,
> Johnson Chetty,

cc: to...@somosazucar.org

Thanks to you,
Laura V.

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