On 2012-08-31, at 21:54, Gonzalo Odiard <godi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> * IMHO the code added to enable configure the examples directory is so 
> complicate,
> and do not add too much value. I think is better use a fixed "examples" or 
> "samples"
> (as in TurtleArt). If the maintainer want use it, should follow the 
> convention.

We are talking about pretty much just two lines:

+        if cp.has_option(section, 'examples_path'):
+            self._examples_path = cp.get(section, 'examples_path')

I don't see why you would consider that "too complicated". It adds value for 
activities that already have examples, when relocating them isn't that easy. 
That's a lot of bang for the buck IMHO.

- Bert -

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