Hi all,


Following my Enyo Sugar integration template and following James Simon
advice, I’ve explored the capacity to integrate Enyo in EPUB.

So I’ve developed a small EPUB ebook using Enyo to handle a canvas. More
precisely some sensitive zones in the EPUB launch JavaScript functions to
update canvas (once again it’s a small Turtle engine :-).


The EPUB file is downloadable here: [1]

I’ve tested it the successfully in the Read activity (see a capture [2]) and
with the Firefox EPUBReader  [3].


Note than using the small JavaScript framework in my Enyo Sugar template,
it’s possible for the EPUB to interact with Sugar directly thought I don’t
see what could be the use case.


Best regards from France.





[1] http://olpc-france.org/download/enyotest.epub

[2] http://olpc-france.org/download/enyoepub_capture.png 

[3] http://www.epubread.com 





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