I have tested the .iso and it works well
Installed Live CD to USB via dd ;yast and to VirtualBox successfully.[1]

Thanks for your work.

Tom Gilliard
satellit on IRC #sugar

[1] Wiki page:

On Thursday 06 September 2012 07:14 AM, Xin Wang wrote:
2012/9/6 Xin Wang <dram.w...@gmail.com>:
Hi all,

I have updated most activities in X11:Sugar.

Some of them failed to start as no updated version is available, namely:

   Analyze, Colors!, Connect, FiftyTwo, Mail, View Slides

Some other problems are:

   1. DrGeoII failed to start.
   2. Cursor in Story Builder does not display properly.
   3. Speak runs a bit slow. (not sure if it is a problem)
   4. Record failed to record audio.
   5. Jukebox failed to play audio.

I only did a brief test, and am not very familiar with Sugar, so some
more bugs may exists.

I have made a LiveCD contains all these activities, you can have a try.

Please use following link:


I forgot to disable the build flag, and it is rebuilt by OBS automatically.

More tests and suggestions to above problems are welcome.

Currently I only pay attention to i686, so there are some more
problems in x86_64.

Best Regards,

Xin Wang (http://dram.me/)

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