On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 2:07 AM, Manuel Quiñones <ma...@laptop.org> wrote:

> Hi Ajay,
> first, thanks for helping on this.

My pleasure :)

> 2012/12/10 Ajay Garg <a...@activitycentral.com>:
> > This issue happens, when ".xo" files need to be rendered in the listview
> in non-journal locations.
> > In such cases, these files have no "activity" or "bundle_id" fields in
> their metadata.
> >
> > Thus, the current way to know the icon-file-name for such ".xo" files
> was to expand the zipped files, and write out the icon-files at
> pseudo-permanent storage,  at /tmp.
> >
> > However, before the icon-file could be used by the listview to "pick up"
> the icon bytes, it was  being  garbage-collected.
> Are you sure about this assumption?  How can you explain that the
> icons are visible in the palette and in the details view?  I tested
> with a stick which has a .xo file inside.
> 1. ls /tmp - no svg files
> 2. open Journal - I can see this:
> http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/attachment/ticket/4276/test-wrong-icon.png
> 3. ls /tpm - now I can see two svg files
> So seems your assumption is wrong.

I also noticed that some files are there in the "/tmp" directory; however
when I tried finding the file by the name @<return value of function in def
get_icon(self)>, I could not find a file with that  name in "/tmp".

Regarding the appearance in the right-click palette, I presumed that since
doing a right-click generates a NEW palette everytime, so it works.
But for the listview, the activity-icons are displayed  via the "file-name"
property in CellRendererActivityIcon (in src/jarabe/journal/listview.py).
So, it could be that once that with scrolling in the list-view,
re-rendering the icon using the non-refreshed "file-name" property, might
be causing the bug.

However, in  any case, the space- and time-optimizations make me lean
towards this one-time-icon-file-per-activity-writing approach.


Ajay Garg
Dextrose Developer
Activity Central: http://activitycentral.com
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