I just re-published the FLOSS Manual *Make Your Own Sugar Activities!*
Several people did updates this weekend.  Lionel Laské wrote a new Guest
Chapter on* Developing Sugar Activities Using HTML5.*  Daniel Francis put
the finishing touches on ***Making contributions to Sugar.  *I even did
some revisions to* Setting Up a Sugar Development Environment.*  And there
is more good stuff to come.  We should have a chapter on using WebKit in
your Activities, and possibly one on using the accelerometer that newer
XO's have in your Activities.  And of course I will bring all the chapters
I wrote up to date.

All of this Activity has come from the Google Code-In (in Lionel's case it
was indirect, as he offered to help someone in GCI finish his
chapter).  However,
the book can use new content from authors of all ages.  If you have an idea
for a Guest Chapter why not share it, or better still write the chapter

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the manual.

James Simmons
Sugar-devel mailing list

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