Hi all,


We're currently preparing the 2013 mission to our Nosy Komba deployment: 150
XO-1 + 50 XO-1.5.

So, a team of volunteer have tested on 12.1.0/Sugar 0.96 our 63 activities
currently deployed there on OLPC 883/Sugar 0.94.1. 

I know it's a "hot topic" here :-) so following is the result of our test.


The detailed report is here [1] (in french) and the spreadsheet report is
here [2].

Results are not so bad: 71% of activities works without any adaptation, 20%
with a minor one (activity.info upgrade, find here [3] a patch with all
activity.info we've upgraded). Only 4 activities don't work at all.


The next step for us:

*         Fix the last issue regarding hulahop incompatibility on 3
activities (Map, Madagascar, HelpFR),

*         Fix the TypeError issue on Colors activity,

*         Do intensive testing on XO-1 to check the performance issue
mentioned here recently (most of our testing has been done on SoaS or

*         Try to optimize the size of our bundle to adapt to the new size of
free space on 12.1.0,

*         Find a new way to create our bundle. Until this year we've got a
customization key but unfortunately it's not supported now: we can't
deployed 63 activities, one by one on 200 XO!


I will give you news of our work but I’m happy to hear your advices.


Best regards from France.




P.S.: Most of this boring testing works has been done by new OLPC France
volunteers (especially Aurélie, Alexandre and Jean). Thanks a lot to them
for that.


[1]  <http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/olpc-france/2013-March/001700.html>


[3]  <http://olpc-france.org/download/patchs-activity.info.zip>


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