On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 7:13 PM, Daniel Narvaez <dwnarv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey,
> want to start on that kind of analysis? :)

James' self analysis is spot on.

We all wear several 'hats' Sugar contributor, Employee or volunteer,
person, ..... These hats bring bias which affect our decision making.

To use myself as an example: I am squeezed between money and power.
Activity Central provides technical service and support for
deployments. Deployments pay us to meet very specific needs for them.

Money -- Deployment pay us _only_what they think a fix or issues is
worth to them. We, in turn, can only pay one of our developers what
the deployment thinks their work is worth.

Power -- Deployments tell us _exactly_ what they want us to do and how
much time they are willing to pay us to do it.

The business model meets a need which adds value to the ecosystem.
However it does introduce conflicts. In the context of this discussion
a key conflict is cost and value of up-streaming deployment specific


> I've been considering some "cultural" factors but they are not related to
> prestige and moneys, so they are probably pretty different from what
> you have in mind here.
> On Wednesday, 27 March 2013, David Farning wrote:
>> Daniel Narvaez reopened an interesting thread that comes up every
>> couple of years -- patch approval. This is an interesting and
>> important issue to both the Sugar community and the OLPC ecosystem.
>> In parallel to patch process, a discussion about culture might be
>> beneficial. Sugar and OLPC are unique from many other free software
>> projects. There is a significant amount of prestige  power, and money
>> at stake.
>> Implementation of any specific patch process might be enhanced by
>> considering cultural factors at play.
>> --
>> David Farning
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> --
> Daniel Narvaez

David Farning
Activity Central: http://www.activitycentral.com
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