I'm having trouble creating an activity using volo.
i cloned the modules which you mentioned to D:\pesit\

i tried creating a sample like how to suggested.
But it shows the following error:

D:\pesit>volo create helloAgain ayopa/xi-activity
Downloading: https://nodeload.github.com/ayopa/xi-activity/legacy.zip/master
Malformed volofile: D:\pesit\helloAgain\volofile: Error: Cannot find module
onCreate did not succeed. You can try later by typing "volo onCreate"
inside the
 project that was just created, passing any arguments you passed to the
create call.
https://api.github.com/repos/ayopa/xi-activity/zipball/master used to
create helloAgain

Please help me out here.


On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 12:01 PM, suraj ks <suraj.gilles...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey,
> I work on Ubuntu.
> A couple of days back it crashed due to some inexplicable reason. :(
> For the past several hours, I've been trying to reinstall it and  get
> started on the UI part.
> My attempts were futile(re-installing ubuntu).
> I'm afraid the only alternative available to me is to switch to windows.
> Hope you don't mind me working on windows.
> I'm getting started with setting up the tools needed to work on the UI
> right away(on windows).  :)
> Regards,
> Suraj
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 11:55 PM, Daniel Narvaez <dwnarv...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On 10 April 2013 19:54, suraj ks <suraj.gilles...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Its cool :)
>>> Which are the sugar modules that I should download to start working on
>>> the UI?
>> Which OS are you using?
>> Anyway I'd suggest
>> 1 Install nodejs
>> http://nodejs.org/
>> 2 Install volojs
>> http://volojs.org/
>> 3 Install chrome
>> 4 Clone the xi modules
>> https://github.com/ayopa/xi-graphics
>> https://github.com/ayopa/xi-artwork
>> https://github.com/ayopa/xi-activity
>> 5 Create an activity. Something like
>> volo create helloworld ayopa/xi-activity
>> volo add xi-graphics
>> Try to install the web app in chrome. There is great documentation about
>> chrome web apps here:
>> http://developer.chrome.com/trunk/apps/about_apps.html
>> Note that the xi libraries has been tested only on b2g (firefox) so far,
>> you might need small modifications to make them work. Please submit these
>> changes as pull requests.
>> 6 Give a try to the two examples activities we have
>> https://github.com/ayopa/omega-examples
>> Once that's working you should be all setup. And you can discuss with
>> Manuel the next development steps.
>> Feel free to ask for help on the mailing list for any problem you run
>> into. I wrote the above list without testing it, so it might not work out
>> of the box... If you post any corrections here, it's going to be useful to
>> everyone.
>> Also, i found a "GSoC mailing list", which hardly had any content
>>> relating to GSoC.
>>> Should i proceed further with my discussions in the current mailing
>>> list(sugar-dev) or should i switch to the GSoC mailing list?
>> I don't know what that list is about exactly but anything about
>> development should definitely stay here on sugar-devel.
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