The poll winner was GPLv3 but the poll was "non-binding", i.e. the community can't force contributors to switch licenses and nobody sent a patch to change license notices.

I and other members of the community think it's important to support freedom by using copyleft, therefore most of our contributions are using GPLv3.

I checked and it turns out Apache 2.0 license is compatible with GPLv3 (but incompatible with GPLv2):


El 07/06/13 19:38, Daniel Narvaez escribió:
I'm actually a bit confused about the result of the one year ago discussion. I thought we decided to stay with gplv2 but the poll winner seems to be gplv3?

Anyway even on gplv3 I think the situation is pretty different if nothing else because one of major goals of the web activities work is to bring activities on devices where tivoization might be an issue.

On Saturday, 8 June 2013, Daniel Narvaez wrote:

    Yes I think it's very different because using GPLv2 would mean we
    can't use Apache licensed libraries, which are a big percentage of
    available js libraries.

    On Saturday, 8 June 2013, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:

        We already had this discussion two years ago,
        is the situation with the javascript activities different to need
        start this discussion again?


        On 06/14/2011 05:42 PM, Luke Faraone wrote:
        > This is a vote to determine the suggestedlicense  for future releases
        > ofSugar. This poll will run from right now until Wed Jun 29 2011 at
        > midnight UTC-4.

        Sorry for the late update; the reporting mechanism for our voting
        software temporarily broke.

        Summary: the winner was **GNU GPL version 3, or any later version**.

        ## Results Details ##

        55 out of 217 eligible members voted, or a little more than ¼.

        The full results of this election ranked the candidates in order of
        preference (from most preferred to least preferred):

          1. GNU GPL version 3, or any later version
          2. GNU GPL version 2, or any later version
          3. Don't know or don't care

        Each number in the table below shows how many times the candidate on the
        left beat the matching candidate on the top. The winner is on the top of
        the left column.
                v3      v2      DC
        v3      --      34      37
        v2      21      --      42
        DC      18      13      --

        Based on a sheer count of 1st place votes, v3 received 49% of the vote,
        v2 received 29% of the vote, and the apathetic position received the
        remaining 22% of the vote.

        Full details (and alternative election method calculations) are visible
        at the Selectricity page linked in the original voting ticket email.


        Luke Faraone
        Sugar  Labs, Systems
        I: lfaraone onirc.freenode.net  <http://irc.freenode.net/>

        On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 8:59 PM, Daniel Narvaez
        <dwnarv...@gmail.com> wrote:

            Well permission to double license really.

            On Saturday, 8 June 2013, Daniel Narvaez wrote:

                Ugh one issue with Apache is that I think we would
                need to get permission to relicense the svg icons
                under apache from all the people that contributed to
                them. Do you think that will be possible?

                People that contributed but doesn't seem to be
                involved with the project anymore.

                Eben Eliason
                Marco Pesenti Gritti
                Tomeu Vizoso

                Still around

                Scott Ananian
                Martin Abente
                Walter Bender
                Manuel Quinones

                From the git log of the icons dir.

                On Saturday, 8 June 2013, Daniel Narvaez wrote:

                    I'm still undecided really but since it's
                    important to make a call soon, my vote goes for
                    Apache, both for sugar-web and for activities we

                    On Saturday, 8 June 2013, Daniel Narvaez wrote:

                        We really need to make a call here, we start
                        to have a sizeable amount of code and the
                        first release is near. I tend to think gplv2
                        is not an option because of the apache
                        incompatibility. I would go for Apache if we
                        want to avoid issues with anti-tivoization,
                        otherwise gplv3.

                        To point out a concrete problem we could have
                        with gpl3... My understanding is that you
                        could not ship an activity based on sugar-web
                        in the apple store, at least including the lib
                        locally. I suppose it would be fine if you
                        loaded it from a server, but then you
                        need security restrictions if you implement
                        any kind of system integration.

                        On Friday, 3 May 2013, Daniel Narvaez wrote:


                            we need to decide how to license the new
                            javascript libraries. I am mostly clueless
                            about the topic and I'm honestly scared to
                            start this thread, please be gentle :)

                            Following is the rationale I came up with
                            for Agora. I think it probably applies to
                            the sugar-html libraries too. Feedback
                            would be very welcome as we are no expert.


                            I spent some time trying to decide which
                            license is better for the various part of
                            Agora. It's an hard and important
                            decision, I'm not a lawyer and not even an
                            expert but we need to make a call. My
                            understanding is that a license is better
                            than nothing.


                            * Copyleft. Requires all the modifications
                            to be made freely available.
                            * Incompatible with Apache. Pretty bad, a
                            lot of code already licensed that way and
                            growing fast (especially in the javascript


                            * Copyleft
                            * Compatiible with Apache.
                            * Anti-tivoization clause. Mixed bag,
                            would it prevent us to run on hardware we
                            are interested in? One problematic case I
                            can think of is distributing an activity
                            through the Apple store. We wouldn't be
                            able to do that. Though people could still
                            install the activity as a web app, from
                            the browser. Maybe that's good enough?
                            * Latest version. Better wording etc.
                            Patents protection.
                            * We can distribute the sugar icons under
                            LGPLv3, without requiring any relicensing,
                            because of the "or later" clause.
                            * My understanding is that if xi-* is
                            LGPL, proprietary applications could still
                            use it without making modifications. The
                            situation is not as clear as for the
                            traditional linked libraries case but from
                            I'd think we are fine.


                            * Non copyleft. It would be more friendly
                            to companies that might want to reuse code
                            in their products. But is that likely to
                            happen? Both xi and omega are pretty agora
                            specific. Still I think it's a good
                            license to use for more generic bits that
                            we might develop (I used it for some
                            python helpers I'm using in eta for example).
                            * It seems to be the best permissive
                            license because of the patents protection.
                            It's the most popular at least.

                            So I think there two choices basically:

                            1 Copyleft VS non copyleft. I think
                            copyleft has advantages and practically no
                            real disadvantages for eta, xi and omega.

                            2 GPLv2 VS GPLv3. Compatibility with
                            Apache would be good (maybe not essential
                            though? We could still use apache
                            libraries I would think, just not freely
                            cut/paste code). Anti-tivoization is
                            tricky, I honestly can't make strong
                            points one way or another. While I was
                            initially sympathetic wi

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-- Daniel Narvaez

Daniel Narvaez

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