Pootle migrated from OLPC to Sugar Labs, but it is very much alive.


Open a ticket in the Sugar Labs Trac (component = localization) to
begin Poolte set up of an activity after following the I18n best
Practices mentioned in rpevious messages.

Sugar Labs Translation Team Coordinator

On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 6:53 AM, laurent bernabe
<laurent.bern...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Now I feel I am ready to set up translation system to my aplication
> (HitTheBalls) : so I am wondering whether I should use Pootle, or whether
> this mechanism has been replaced in 0.100 (or close minor versions).
> Also, I went to this page : http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Pootle.
> As I tried to read the slides whose link is given in section
> How to Translate for OLPC XO and Sugar using Pootle
> I went to a dead page.
> So what is the best way to get started, if Pootle is still the translation
> system ?
> Regards
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