/>On 06/11/2013 13:31, Daniel Narvaez wrote://
//>You mean people are using them in Uruguay deployments? Which distro?/

In Uruguay we have Classmates II (called "Magallanes") in some High Schools, that comes with Ubuntu 10.01.3 and Sugar Sweets Distribution (0.94.1), you can download the image here <http://www.ceibal.edu.uy/Articulos/Paginas/%C2%BFC%C3%B3mo%20flasheo%20mi%20Magallanes%20MG2%20Ubuntu_.aspx>. (hardware <http://www.ceibal.edu.uy/Articulos/Paginas/hardware-magallanes-3.aspx> and Software <http://www.ceibal.edu.uy/Articulos/Paginas/software-magallanes.aspx> specifications).

In other High schools the children have XO 1.5, 1.75 or 4.0, and in some kindergardens and schools (1st grade) they have OLPC tablets <http://www.ceibal.edu.uy/Articulos/Paginas/informacion-de-la-tablet.aspx> with Android.


By the way: in High Schools there are very few people who uses Sugar, they normally use the Gnome interface, as in primary School, except for a part of the children that still have the XO 1.0 without Gnome.

Paolo Benini
Sugar-devel mailing list

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