On Tue, 2013-12-03 at 20:42 -0200, Ignacio - SugarLabs wrote:
> I make a patch for this bug: http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/2672 
> This patch proposes:
>  * Change "Next" (in name screen) to "Change color"
>  * Change "Back" (in color screen) to "Change name"
> I need approbal of team design, then I make a pull request
> If Walter feature (age/gender) lands, I need edit it :)
> Screenshots:
> Name selection: http://sugarlabs.org/~ignacio/Archivos/Name%
> 20selection.png
> Color selection: http://sugarlabs.org/~ignacio/Archivos/Color%
> 20selection.png
>From this user, is an excellent improvement.
> I attached the Patch
> Grettings, (and sorry for the bad english :P)
> Ignacio
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