
I believe I have solved the 'bug' of this ticket:

The problem is that when sending files, only the title, description and
mime type are preserved. This is due to telepathy
(Channel.Type.FileTransfer), as it does not support other properties.
There is a fix for telepathy (Channel.Interface.FileTransfer.Metadata), but
it's implemented in a different version of telepathy.

I have solved this bug by packing all the metadata and sending it as the
description. When the file is saved on the receiving machine, the metadata
is unpacked.
This works without a problem. But a problem arises with backward
If a user with this 'bug fix' sends a file to a user without it, the
receiving user will have JSON formatted data as the description of the file.

I'm not sure if this will be accepted, due to the last part. Yet I have not
found way to fix it.
Here are the code edits:

Emil Dudev
Sugar-devel mailing list

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