On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 9:57 PM, Walter Bender <walter.ben...@gmail.com>wrote:

> You need to install the tuxmath package separately from the activity.
> Then try http://people.sugarlabs.org/walter/TuxMath-3.2.xo
> (Haven't gotten my patches accepted upstream)
> Let me know if it works.

Lionel's http://olpc-france.org/download/tuxmath-3.xo seems to work better
out-of-the-box than the above, on XO-1s' 12.1.0

Just checking: is either truly relevant to TuxPaintNotMath below?

Certainly I tried all above, but have not yet found a way to get any
version TuxPaint working on XO-1s' tried+true

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 9:24 PM, Adam Holt <h...@laptop.org> wrote:
> > Sadly I've tried these and they do not fully launch:
> >
> >   TuxPaint 3, 4, 5 & 6:
> >   http://activities.sugarlabs.org//en-US/sugar/addon/4088
> >
> >   TuxPaint 6.1 & 6.2:
> >   http://dev.laptop.org/~dsd/activities/
> >
> > Any other tips or suggestions?  Thanks all :)

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