Hi Gonzalo

Before any complaints hit the the mailing list I prefer to ask twice.

In this case the question is related with the paragraph 'Propose a feature for addition into the release cycle', point 2 of the webpage Features/Policy that says: "If your feature adds UI or changes the current UI please add as well the [DESIGN] tag to the subject. Please add the flag as well if the work flow does change or new ones are added."
As I understand this it means [FEATURE] [DESIGN] is correct.

Actually, I do not expect that others will implement proposed features of me, so I only propose features that I am interested in for implementation on my side.


Probably [FEATURE] is enough. Will have a Design discussion anyway.

Remember the feature wiki page do not mean will be implemented by magic,
somebody need take responsibility of do the work.
Also, we will not land more features for 0.102, see our schedule [1]


[1] http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.education.sugar.devel/45851

On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 5:00 PM, Christian Stroetmann <stroetm...@ontolab.com <mailto:stroetm...@ontolab.com>> wrote:


    Already some days ago I read the webpage about the Feature Policy
    following one of the hints of Gonzalo Odiard.
    Now I have a little question.

    On the webpage Feature Policy it is written something about what
    has to be written in the subject field of related e-mails.

    So, if somebody wants to publicate a feature that is related with
    the design, what has to be written in the subject field?
    or only

    Have fun
    Sugar-devel mailing list

Gonzalo Odiard

SugarLabs - Learning Software for children

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