On 11 March 2014 03:46, Gonzalo Odiard <godi...@sugarlabs.org> wrote:

> Daniel,
> I don't want put you in a uncomfortable situation.
> All of us are pretty loaded. I don't see how modifying the schedule can
> prejudice
> you or other in the team. If this change means more work for other, then
> no deal.
> I will shut up, and load my own charge. If nobody is harm, then I don't
> see why we can't
> discuss this issue.
> I expect we as a community, and specially who are more involved in the
> work,
> can talk openly, and take decisions, or even review our decisions,
> without somebody feel uncomfortable for that.
You are making it sound like I'm trying to shut you and the community up. I
hope it's obvious to everyone that's not my intention. The only reason I'm
uncomfortable is that I'm supposed to take a decision on this while I'm in
total disagreement with the rest of the community.
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