
I cannot speak for the whole community but my understanding is that Python
3 is not at all backward compatible with the Python we use now. If every
Activity we have had to be rewritten in Python 3 that would be a huge

You may be familiar with my book:


I recently (like a month ago) updated the book to use GTK3 in the examples
rather than GTK2. That was a big, but necessary, effort. The current Sugar
supports both GTK2 and GTK3, so no Activities need to be rewritten. GTK3 is
supposed to give better support for tablets and touch screens and of course
we want to use the latest supported software.

In any case, while using GTK3 over time may have a big impact in the short
term it doesn't break anything. I'm not sure we could say the same thing
about rewriting Sugar to use Python 3.

James Simmons

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 3:55 AM, Kamal Kaur <kamal.kaur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all members,
> I need help with the first question in "You and Community" section. As
> I'll be working for project "Port to python 3", I need three answers,
> one of which will I get from the mentors and other from memberss So
> the members and mentors reading this message, Please give your answer
> regarding what will be the impact after completion of my project on
> community? I need to add this answer there and it should be of 1-3
> paragraphs.
> There are four outlined steps:
> Step 1. Make use of GTK3 instead of GTK2 because sugar and the apps use it.
> Step 2. Port the Sugar core to python3.
> Step 3. Developing a robust test suite.
> Step 4: Port an existing sugar activity to python3 and document process
> Please tell me what are your views about the effect on community after
> completion of this project?
> Thank you
> --
> Kamaljeet Kaur
> kamalkaur188.wordpress.com
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