Try to run sugar-launch inside a sugar terminal, it doesn't work outside

On Saturday, 22 March 2014, Kamal Kaur <> wrote:

> Hello developers
> Can you please help me know the right way to download/install
> activities in sugar? I downloaded "Etoys" and "Develop 40" from
> from browser activity.
> Both are shown in journal. But when opened, activity icon flashes and
> there is a message: "Activity failed to start" Stop [ ] ( with stop
> button.
> Even I couldn't find the logs in log activity. While trying to find it
> out, I reached here:
> And from the above link, I tried 'sugar-launch <activity-name>'
> command. Which gave the output:
> kamal@kamal:~/sugar-build$ sugar-launch Etoys
> The program 'sugar-launch' can be found in the following packages:
>  * sugar-tools-0.84
>  * sugar-tools-0.86
>  * sugar-tools-0.88
>  * sugar-tools-0.90
>  * sugar-tools-0.96
> Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package>
> So I used apt-get to install Etoys. It has downloaded 44.3MBs data.
> But the same problem is there.
> What I'm doing wrong?
> --
> Kamaljeet Kaur
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