On Jun 16, 2014, at 9:05 PM, Walter Bender wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 9:03 PM, John Watlington <w...@laptop.org> wrote:
> Walter,
>    You remember correctly.  The hard/clicky/crunchy keyboards are not rated
> for as long a lifetime as the membrane/chewy keyboards.   While the membrane
> keyboard design was tested to 5 million key presses, IIRC the clicky keyboard 
> is
> only rated to 1 million key presses.   (On the other hand, it takes one minute
> to replace a clicky keyboard versus twenty for a membrane keyboard.)
> ..if you have a replacement keyboard... any insight into how easy it would be 
> to make replacement keys in the field?

I would say impossible, but that would be underestimating the creativeness of
our deployments.

At the electrical level, the crunchy and chewy keyboards have the same contacts,
so I don't expect that to be the failure mechanism.   Failure should be due to 
mechanical parts (as it is with the membrane keyboards).   If you pull off the 
and the guide mechanism, the key still activates when you press on the membrane
or the rubber cap (which provides both the spring action and presses on the 
glued to it.


> WARNING:  The clicky keyboard was not approved for use by small children
> by UL.   The reason is that if the keys are pulled off they present a choking
> hazard.
> Cheers,
> wad

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