The short story, is we don't have a good way to embed binaries for multiple
or request needed dependencies :(
Then, we need look in a case by case fashion:
* How big are the binaries?
* Are packaged in Fedora?
* How do you need deploy the activity? Is needed in a deploy where you can
install the binaries
in the image or do you need distribute it on ASLO?
(I know you replied this point, just replying in the general case)

To distribute on ASLO, you can include binaries for every platform,
or add a comment requesting to the user install the dependencies.


On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 2:59 PM, Sebastian Silva <>

> Hi,
> I've sugarized Abominade, an IDE that embeds the Vim editor [1].
> I'd like to release it in ASLO.
> Is it recommended to embed the binary for each architecture inside the .xo
> file?
> Regards,
> Sebastian
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