On Wed Jan 07 2015 at 10:44:40 am James Cameron <qu...@laptop.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 07, 2015 at 12:24:47AM +0000, Sam P. wrote:
> > On Wed Jan 07 2015 at 8:54:19 am James Cameron <qu...@laptop.org> wrote:
> >     On Tue, Jan 06, 2015 at 05:39:06PM -0500, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> >     > +sugar-devel
> >     >
> >     > On 01/06/2015 04:52 AM, Sam P. wrote:
> >     > > Hi All,
> >     > >
> >     > > I was wondering about the possibility of putting the new
> >     > > ASLO bundles on the download.sl.o mirror.  I was going to
> >     > > put them into a separate folder (named "activities2"), so
> >     > > there may be duplication from the old ASLO bundles,
> >     > > resulting in more space usage.  This will hopefully be short
> >     > > term :)
> >     >
> >     > Go ahead, all our mirrors should be fine carrying a few
> >     > hundred MBs of data. However, I don't believe you for a moment
> >     > when you say it's going to be short term ;-)
> >
> >     Activity bundles?  One could also run hardlink(1) on the two
> >     trees, which would eliminate the duplication.
> >
> > I use a different file system structure to the old ASLO.  It is very
> > different, because the old ASLO uses it's own IDs whereas I use
> > bundle IDs.
> Is it so different that the bundle .xo file content is different?
> Why?  That would mean an .xo downloaded from old ASLO would be
> different to .xo downloaded for new ASLO, right?

 Well, the bundles should have the same contents as their old ASLO
counterparts.  Assuming the activity author builds the bundle from git
using only setup.py, they will be the same.  I could compute hashes of all
the old ASLO bundles and link them, but I think we miss lots of potential
to use the buildbots.  For example, I will start inserting the repository
field in all activities that do not have it yet, as well as a url pointing
to the download page on the new ASLO.

But that is only 1/2 the bundles.  For every commit that the bots are
notified about, the new ASLO builds a bundle as a development/latest copy.
These are available in the new ASLO UI as devel version bundles.  I plan to
purge these on a cron job, so there is only 1 on the sugarlabs servers for
each activity.  But this does mean that we have lots of bundles that are
not on the old ASLO.
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