Hello everyone,I am Yash Khandelwal, currently pursuing my B.Tech from IIIT 
Hyderabad, India and have been an active contributor since one month.I am 
interested in taking up Music Blocks idea as GSoC project. I saw Mr Devin's 
sketches in the pdf provided, on the ideas page and I came up with a basic 
blueprint (attached) of how the chunks can be made and put together. I am 
familiar with the blocks functioning and implementation, because in my 
contribution to sugar, I have mainly worked on turtleblocksJS, so that is a 
plus point. Also, there is another reason why this project caught my interest 
which is, I am a flautist, so this project is like extra cherries on the cake. 
    I talked to Walter Bender, he said that we want new primitives for music 
blocks that are not appropriate for the basic turtle project. Currently, I am 
thinking of primitives required to introduce concepts of beats, scale, 
sequencing etc. and getting myself familiarized with tone.js and soon I'll come 
up with a prototype.
I would like to discuss with the mentor(s) about the technologies stack to be 
used, suggestions on the blue print of chunks implementation and its 
extension.This will  give me a better understanding of the project and also 
help me to draft my proposal in a better way. 
Thank You
Yash Khandelwalirc-nick : k_yashgithub : github.com/khandelwalYash
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