On Thu, 2015-03-19 at 18:44 -0500, Jerry Vonau wrote:
> > On March 19, 2015 at 6:30 PM Iain Brown Douglas
> > <i...@browndouglas.plus.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi Jerry,
> > > > If one knew that a SoaS CD would always make a "Sugar stick", the
> > > > prospect of selling the CD, (by third parties ?) becomes more doable.
> > > >
> > >
> > > Is there any specific branding that you want to use?
> >
> > No, I have no angle at all on that. I found the CD/DVD available online
> > for $8. I only make the point that $8 is a sound investment for anyone
> > alarmed at a download, if they know it will "self convert" to a USB
> > version.
> Think what you're after is sugar on a non-live usbkey, so one would not
> have to go through the hoops of running 'liveinst' to create this usbkey.
> Kind of like the way the ARM SoaS images are built. Just boot the key and
> this is your desktop sort of thing?

I had not thought of that being an option.

I have found a "made by liveinst" usbkey, to be superior to compressed.
I can transfer files on and off it easily, and can very easily see, or
fix it, if overfull.

Another benefit is the possibility of a combined Sugar + Mate on a stick
which is attractive. (I have one.)

Also with Sugar a possibility on Raspberry Pi 2, and Allwinner tablets,
if there is a similarity of work-flow I see that as attractive from POV

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