Hi, Gonzalo

Browse (as most browsers) downloads any mime_type it does not know how to display. I modified Browse not to display pdf (should be done in the Read activity). The Read activity does not display plain text (e.g. Rachel Gutenberg collection - Great Books). This is something that probably should be addressed.

The Show in Journal doesn't really seem to have any significance (like switch to the Journal). Similarly Continue is a place holder. The only button is 'OK' which must be clicked to get rid of the alert.

All I am suggesting is that you can patch Browse to use Sugar-launch to open the activity you want (e.g. Read).

So far, I have found more confusion by the choice of default activities to open certain mime_types. Currently, it appears that if there is only one activity to handle a mime_type, it is opened by clicking on the icon. If there is more than one activity, the top one is the default and is launched by a click - except when the menu opens with 'start with' or 'resume width' (I am not sure of the difference there - but it adds text to any instructions). If there is no activity to handle the mime_type, the resume option is not available.

I am not sure moving this logic to Browse will enable automatic identification of which activity is appropriate to open a mime_type serviced by more than one.

I guess I am not clear on what problem you are trying to solve.


On 04/23/2015 03:54 PM, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
Hi Tony,
This feature try implement that in a smarter way.
Here a example:
* You download something in Browse.
* Browse can't manage every possible file. We include a pdf viewer,
but by example, we can't show a epub file in the browser or a piece TurtleArt code.
* Right now Browse save the downloaded file in the Journal
and display a button "Show in Journal", because the Journal knows
what activity can open every file type.
* The idea is move that logic (the relation between file types and activities)
to the toolkit, then Browse can say "Open this...."
and start any activity needed to open the file, or show a message
"You don't have any activity to open this file"
There are more information in the feature page in the wiki [1]


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