Hi, James

One of the big problems in our community is the disconnect between the school server and the XO. The two work together form a system. Ejabberd supports gabble which is how collaboration works for XOs connected to a school server. The design of the school server has always made Moodle the opening screen for http://schoolserver (which is where you are directed by the button on the Browse main screen).

I think you made some modifications to Sugar for the Ubuntu version such as moving the Activities folder to common space. This would also have to be done for the XO images. I suppose you could consider backup and restore of the Journal out of scope of Sugar as well - but it is essential for laptops with minimal storage. This is what the 'register' menu option is about. While Ubuntu provides a login, this would have to be restored to the XO images.
I am sure there are other issues that will come up.

However, you have provided an exciting opportunity.


On 12/28/2015 07:47 AM, James Cameron wrote:
Sure, but as I said, not really a function of Sugar, but instead of
the operating system that Sugar is installed on.  Sugar does all the
right things already.  The other things you are using with Sugar, such
as Moodle and ejabberd, are also somewhat out of scope for Sugar.

On Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 07:32:59AM +0200, Tony Anderson wrote:
Hi, James

This issue of supporting more than one user per machine is very
important in the wild (not many deployments can afford literally one
laptop per
child and so provide classroom sets with each laptop having multiple users.

On registration, a new user is created server-side: the serial
number of the laptop. This is used for login to Moodle but more
importantly for backup of the Journal and for ejabberd (association
between nick and serial-number).

It would be relatively easy to make the registration procedure
create a username account on the school server and to
backup to and restore from that account. Moodle can be fixed
relatively easily. I am not familiar with the details of ejabberd
collaboration so that will require some research

I'll be able to give this serious attention when I get back to the
Philippines in
late January. You have created a very exciting opportunity for Sugar.


On 12/27/2015 11:51 PM, James Cameron wrote:
Thanks Sam!

I like the design.  It reminds me of one we discussed in Netrek
development at about the same phase of the project lifecycle; long
after the peak of interest.

It doesn't look like it would be much programming.

It could involve sound as well; as reinforcement of each goal.

It could show progress more clearly; a series of "achievements" which
are "unlocked".

Trivial text layout error in the design makes reading it difficult;
most visible in the "Interface Design" text before the next image,
where forced line breaks occur, after "yet" and "overlays".  Probably
caused by browser width not varied in testing.

Some hasty JavaScript might show animation of hotspot engagement.

A definition of onboard may be useful.

I'm interested in seeing more.


Tony raises some important problems, several of which are not
functions of Sugar, but of software integration choices made by Sugar
downstream organisations.  The most interesting one for me personally
is how to support more than one user per machine, but this isn't
something that OLPC needs, so the wider community should drive it

A school server with accounts, a login greeter on the laptop
integrated with the authentication server, and a locally cached
network filesystem?  Perhaps the school server guys and gals could
look into it?

Meanwhile, in my experience, Sugar handles multiple login users very
well already.

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