Hi Mukund!

On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 5:24 PM, mukund code <mukund.c...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I am new to Sugar. I am currently going through the tutorial posted here:
> https://developer.sugarlabs.org/activity.md.html
> I created a sample activity(using exactly the same instructions given in
> the tutorial). In the console, I noticed the following error:
> Error: Load timeout for modules: webL10n
> http://require.js.org/docs/errros.html#timeout
> onError
> onError
> checkLoaded
> (anonymous function)
> I tried:
> volo add webL10n
> It gave me a 301 error.

That's funny.  301 shouldn't be an error, 3xx codes are redirect codes [1].

I don't involve my self with too many crazy nodejs things, but presenting
a 3xx code as an error sounds well within the relm of possibility
for some of these funny libraries.

> I then tried:
> volo add https://github.com/fabi1cazenave/webL10n
> which successfully installed webL10n. But the error still appears in the
> console.

Did the info at [2] help?

If not, maybe post your activity on github and try to find
somebody who knows about this js stuff to have a look
(CC Lionel).

> Also, I am not able to load any dynamic content using mustache(despite
> having a successful volo add) or console log out a statement when
> "my-button" (
> https://developer.sugarlabs.org/activity.md.html#first%20steps) is
> clicked. I guess all of this is possible once js/activity.js. That loading
> happens via lib/require.js. But that script is giving me this error. I
> don't see any failed fetches in the Network tab of the console window also.

Where did you put the console.log statements in the code?
Were they within the require.js callback?
If so, maybe your problems are all interconnected.


[1]  http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.3.2
[2]  http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#timeout

> Would be glad if someone helped out.
> Thanks!
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