
I am not sure how NIH fits. I am completely new to the SLOBs
and have had very little involvement with the translations program. I got
assigned this task by the SLOBs at my first meeting in February.

My point, clearly, is that this proposal needs to be evaluated by the TCM, in the context of its value to the overall program. I am not judging the proposal, but pointing
out aspects that I think need to be addressed.


On 04/06/2016 02:24 PM, James Cameron wrote:
Sounds like an NIH, not invented here, response.  Very negative.

If there are concerns, engage an independent local auditor to do due
diligence on the proposal.

On Wed, Apr 06, 2016 at 01:23:59PM +0800, Tony Anderson wrote:
It would be nice to give Chris Leonard a chance to be involved in
this decision.

According to Samson, Schlumberger deployed 3000 XO laptops as part
of a SEED program which
has been discontinued. The laptops were given to individual students
and so are no longer used at any of the
three schools initially involved.

He has been collecting some of these XOs for use in training
sessions which he is offering.

His description has identified two essential needs: two standard
laptops for Samson and Ibiam and money
to connect to the internet ($250 per month).

The raises some questions:

     Is there a workplace available where the team could meet to work
on the project? Clearly an internet contract will
provide access to only one location.

     Can some of these XO laptops be recovered/recycled. The owners
are now in their late teens and probably wanting to use
smartphones or standard laptops. They may be willing to sell them
for a relatively small amount given that the local demand for XOs
is probably negligible. These could be refurbished and deployed
either to support a local hackerspace or to supply enough for one
class at a local school.

     Samson discusses localization of Sugar and 38 Sugar activities
to six African languages. The proposed cost of the first exceeds
It is likely that the completion of six languages per this proposal
will use all of the available funds earmarked for localization.

    Samson intends to apply for admission to a university and so may
not be able to manage this proposal to its completion.

The proposal does not indicate how many XOs in deployments will
benefit from the localization. There is a scenario in which we spend
$40,000 which
only results in updating files on translation.sugarlabs.org.

I have to agree with Caryl and Adam's concern that the available
funds get the most mileage. I also share Lionel's concern that the
funds not
be spent on localization of specific languages. Fundamentally,
vetting these proposals is an important part of the TCM job.


On 04/06/2016 12:25 PM, James Cameron wrote:
I've reviewed the proposal.  I like it.  I've no further questions.

On Tue, Apr 05, 2016 at 03:01:44PM +0100, samson goddy wrote:
Thank you very much Laura for the help you've giving me about my project in
Nigeria. Also i also grateful to Walter and Chris for their support too. I have
been really down last week(Sick) but i am getting on my feet now. So i did
update the proposal to reduce the prices for the languages. here are the links
to the excel [1]https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=A02A6B155E984772!452&;
authkey=!AE8LFLFOt_Zhi04&ithint=file%2cods Then the origin document which is
attached to this mail.

Also as much i will like to wait till the translation manager, I intend to do
this project starting from April so that i can be done before my 2 SAT tests.
So i would like if SLOBs can vote via email waiting to the next meeting will do
me no good. This is a favour i am asking from SLOBs.

Samson Goddy

From: la...@somosazucar.org
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 18:47:26 +0800
Subject: Fwd: FW: Samson's proposal to SLOBs
To: samsongo...@gmail.com; s...@unleashkids.org; t...@timmoody.com;
lio...@olpc-france.org; samsongo...@hotmail.com
CC: t...@olenepal.org; canoe.be...@yahoo.com; cbige...@hotmail.com;
cjlhomeaddr...@gmail.com; godi...@sugarlabs.org; nices...@gmail.com;
t...@sugarlabs.org; wal...@sugarlabs.org; sebast...@fuentelibre.org;

Hi Samson,

As promised, I have requested volunteers to continue with the Translations/
Localization Committe, so we will be able to help you get the proposals in good
shape to be consider by the board for appoval.

So to start, it will be me, Sora and Tim, as they have confirmed their
intention to continue in the Translations/Localizations Committe and help out
with the proposals.

So, I am forwarding them cc to IAEP, the documentation we have.

Sora, Tim,

Here I'm forwarding the first draft from the Localization Contractor Template
that was prepared. It contemplates the translation of 40 Sugar Projects to 6
native languages.

I made some suggestions, but basically we ended up with a per/language
proposal, that shows additional information, like responsible party per task
and activities to be done in the time line. Am attaching the SpreadSheet.

According to your experiences, I'm asking for your help to upgrade this two
documents, as they may become the model for others to follow.

Thank you both for joining forces in the spirit of International fraternity,
peace and cultural exchange.

Bessings for all.

Laura V

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: samson goddy <[2]samsongo...@hotmail.com>
Date: 2016-03-25 2:53 GMT+08:00
Subject: FW: Samson's proposal to SLOBs
To: Laura Vargas <[3]la...@somosazucar.org>

From: [4]samsongo...@hotmail.com
To: [5]cjlhomeaddr...@gmail.com
CC: [6]wal...@sugarlabs.org; [7]ca...@media.mit.edu; [8]cbige...@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Samson's proposal to SLOBs
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2016 17:45:05 +0100

From: [9]samsongo...@hotmail.com
To: [10]cjlhomeaddr...@gmail.com
CC: [11]wal...@sugarlabs.org
Subject: Samson's proposal to SLOBs
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2016 17:43:16 +0100

Hello Guys,

   i am done with the proposal and i will be presenting it to SLOBs for the next
meeting 1st of April. So i want you guys to please review it before the date.

Samson Goddy

Laura V.

IRC kaametza

Happy Learning!


[2] mailto:samsongo...@hotmail.com
[3] mailto:la...@somosazucar.org
[4] mailto:samsongo...@hotmail.com
[5] mailto:cjlhomeaddr...@gmail.com
[6] mailto:wal...@sugarlabs.org
[7] mailto:ca...@media.mit.edu
[8] mailto:cbige...@hotmail.com
[9] mailto:samsongo...@hotmail.com
[10] mailto:cjlhomeaddr...@gmail.com
[11] mailto:wal...@sugarlabs.org
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