Sounds good. Make sure not to use the word connect - this refers to making a connection between the client and the server. Using it in this context could create confusion.

"He just has to register with the server as normally he would do by:

1. setting the server ip in the network control panel section
2. clicking "Register"/ "Register again"/ "Connect to server" whichever
   gets implemented."

Actually, there doesn't appear to be a need to change the users interface at all. if the user connects to a 'new' server, this will be indicated by 'register' and not 'register again' (and the network control panel would show no server). The user clicks register and your code adds a new entry to ssh and shows the FQDN in the network control panel and changes to 'register again'.


On 04/17/2016 05:35 PM, Manash Raja wrote:
Hi Tony,

Yes, it will work.
When the admin will register to the above said schoolservers. He/she will have something like the following in his/her ~/.ssh/known_hosts file: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBHS52tbpYsMRj24QhsDac9viwiv9pbCyFUYGknxlpsUWvgOxVCBg+vOasdasdSAaaaaaSomethingaaaaaaaaaa= ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBHS52tbpYsMRj24QhsDac9viwiv9pbCyFUYGknxlpsUWvgOxVCBg+vOLRb0jt+3bbbbbbbSomethingbbbbbbbbb= ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBHS52tbpYsMRj24QhsDac9viwiv9pbCyFUYGknxlpsUWvgOxVCBg+vOLRb0jt+3dsFARg2Somethingccccccccc= ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBHS52tbpYsMRj24QhsDac9viwiv9pbCyFUYGknxlpsUWvgOxVCBg+vOLRb0jt+3dsFARgSomethingdddddddddd= ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBHS52tbpYsMRj24QhsDac9viwiv9pbCyFUYGknxlpsUWvgOxVCBg+vOLRb0jt+3dsFARgSomethingeeeeeeeeee= ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBHS52tbpYsMRj24QhsDac9viwiv9pbCyFUYGknxlpsUWvgOxVCBg+vOLRb0jt+3dsFARgSomethingfffffffffffffffff=

Notice the same ip address but different identities for the school server.

Whenever he will try to do: ssh xsce-admin@ <mailto:xsce-admin@> , while connected to any of the above school server, he will not face the host identity mismatch error as one among the 6 contains the identity for the server.
He will directly be prompted for the password.

He just has to register with the server as normally he would do by:

 1. setting the server ip in the network control panel section
 2. clicking "Register"/ "Register again"/ "Connect to server"
    whichever gets implemented.

Upon registration, the known_host file will be updated automatically to have the proper server identity. It will also be secure against mitm attacks.

He *doesn't* *have to* rm the known_host file or ssh-keygen -R for the host.

How do you feel about this technique?

On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 1:44 PM, Tony Anderson < <>> wrote:

    Hi, Manash

    After sending the previous e-mail, I got thinking the following
    situation. An admin goes to a deployment which reports a problem.
    Each of the deployments
    for that admin has the schoolserver address This is
    the case for the three schools in Rwanda and also for the three
    schools in the Philippines.
    Will your technique work to register multiple servers with the
    same IP?


    On 04/17/2016 03:17 PM, Manash Raja wrote:
    Regarding SSH. I think I have found a good solution. (I have
    tested it.) Thanks @Tony for telling where exactly the problem

    Commit :
    Commit message : ds-backup works independently on its own by
    using priave/public key pair and ignoring known_hosts by setting
    'StrictHostKeyChecking no'. Problem might arise when other
    applications or user try to connect ssh to server without using
    private/public key. In that case known_hosts should be maintained
    to avoid conflict. Eg scenario: Client ssh into xsce1 on
    server_address say schoolserver id1 of xsce1 stored at
    known_hosts. Client tries for ssh into xsce2 with same
    server_address (schoolserver) id2 of xsce2 does not match with
    id1. Hence error. Solution: If registration is successful, we
    know that we have correct server_address of the xsce, hence we
    take its identification using 'ssh-keyscan -H -t ecdsa
    server_address' and add it to known_hosts. So when ssh is
    initiated, the id of the xsce server is found along with its
    It removes the use of "ssh-keygen -R" and hence will be more
    secured. It might happen that multiple identification for a
    particular server_address is present in the known_hosts file as
    "schoolserver" is mostly used as the server address. But ssh will
    take the one that matches.

    On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 7:27 AM, Tony Anderson
    < <>> wrote:

        In the current backup system, the only involvement of the
        user is to register. The ds-backup script uses the
        serial-number of the XO. The 'known_host' check must pass in
        order for this to work. Normally, this is not a problem
        because a given deployed XO only ever sees one server. It is
        usually only a problem for the person setting up multiple
        deployments (or multiple servers).

        Adam Holt apparently contemplates setting up multiple
        Raspberry Pi size servers with an SD card for content at a
        single deployment. I believe that this environment will not
        support backup and so there would be no need to register
        (except possibly for ejabberd - I haven't looked at that in
        years). Possibly HaitiOS should not execute the ds_backup
        script. However, if the script fails there is consequence.
        What will be required is that each server on a single network
        have a unique name to support access by
        url:http://schoolserver1, http://schoolserver2, ....

        I assume is the IP address of the server. In the
        server setup, the server is set as the network gateway and
        provides dns translation from
        server name to IP. This works with one school server per
        network (the norm). In the special case of multiple school
        servers, one should supply DHCP services and be the gateway.
        The other school servers would need fixed IP addresses.
        Currently, the school server is set up as with a
        netmask of In this scheme, other school
        servers could be given fixed addresses such as,, .... I have attached the relevant information
        from the school server: /etc/dchpd-xs.conf.

        Naturally, you can save the IP address if that is more

        The logic of the situation is that a user should keep its
        Journal backup on a single school server. The current
        ds_backup would take duplicate the same backup on each
        server. I suppose Sugar could be modified to specify backup
        to a designated school server. The proposed backup would
        fragment the Journal objects since it would assume that
        objects have been backed up and so not make copies on
        alternate school servers.

        I am sure in Adam's scenario, the SD cards will not afford
        complete backups from multiple laptops on each SD card. Most
        likely, there would have to be a dedicated server for backup
        with an essentially empty card.

        On your third question, system adminstrators use ssh. This is
        not a problem because access is by password. The server is
        set up for
        ssh xsce-admin@schoolserver

        Once logged in, an adminstrator can su to root. This requires
        two independent passwords to authenticate.


        On 04/17/2016 05:24 AM, Manash Raja wrote:

        Here are some updates.*

        ssh:* I found from the source code for ds-backup provided by
        James and
        while searching along the lines of Tony (/The script stores
        and retrieves using sftp with authentication by
        public/private key./) that communication by ds-backup is
        done using this command:
        /usr/bin/ssh -o "PasswordAuthentication no" -o
        "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -i ~/.sugar/default/owner.key -l
        serial_number server_address

        as you all know that ~/.sugar/default/owner.key is the
        private key for ~/.sugar/default/ public key.
        The public key is sent to the server at the time of
        registration. The server adds this public key to
        /library/users/serial_number/.ssh/authorized_keys .

        I understand that ds-backup don't care about the
        .ssh/known_hosts on the client side due to
        "StrictHostKeyChecking no" even though the file is getting

        So the ssh command is concerned of mainly the public/private
        key pair, serial and the server address. If we know the
        serial of the laptop that is registered with a server we can
        connect successfully with it using the above command. But it
        might fail using a normal ssh command due to known_host
        conflict. If we assume that all the server communication
        (sftp and rsync) will occur using private/public keys, then
        we don't even need to do "ssh-keygen -R hostame" or "rm
        ~/.ssh/known_hosts" I guess.
        The issue might have been caused when wrong serial was used
        to connect to a server which do not have it registered.
        Which has now been fixed in the patch by retaining the
        serial for previous registrations.

        I have tested that we can add to .ssh/config
        Host custom_server_name
            PasswordAuthentication no
            StrictHostKeyChecking no
            IdentityFile ~/.sugar/default/owner.key
            User <serial>

        and it works by simply calling : ssh custom_server_name
        So we can work upon it.
        A few doubts:

         1. What should be used in custom_server_name?
         2. How do we expect our codes to sftp or rsync with server?
            ds-backup will run properly in backup if we keep setting
            the proper serial. But other than that no application
            does sftp or rsync to server, so we can define the
            proper way now.
         3. How do we expect a human user to use ssh? the longer
            command or .ssh/config based command? or simply ssh
            user@server with constant modifications to known_hosts.

        *XSCE vs XS*:

        The patch I built uses relies on xs-authserver which is
        absent in xs. I really want to add support for XS for this
        feature. And I discussed on #schoolserver to know if there
        is any other way to get idmgr database info on client side.
        XS doesn't seem to support it well enough. I have identified
        a way to solve this issues by modifying
        "registration-server" and "" scripts of idmgr.


            I'm concerned with backwards compatibility, the original
            based on CentOS-6 doesn't offer the xs-authserver
            service, hence why I
            mentioned it. I would not want to break a deployment
            where the older server
            version is used.

        It would not break deployment, as Tony mentioned. The
        maximum harm that can be caused is to have multiple
        registrations for a single laptop in XS due to inability of
        XS to provide list of registered laptops to the client.

        A few doubts:

         1. Rough percentage of XS against XSCE out there?
         2. Scope of modifying idmgr? I am still looking for
            alternatives in XS that doesn't need server side
            modification but till then I really want to know what
            are the steps if we finally need to modify to establish
            a clear implementation.
         3. Even without XS support, the patch solves the issue of
            taking the load out of teachers, just that same backup
            path cannot be ensured if serial keeps changing. Hence,
            is this a significant issue to need a server
            modification? As if not, then we can move on and wait
            until the XS catches up.

        @Tony, certainly as you said things can be reorganized
        starting from now in small steps so that future features can
        easily fall into place. This registration feature may change
        a component here and there (like idmgr) but in the progress
        it might provide a cleaner and better framework for server
        related features. (LDAP being one of them).


        On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 7:56 AM, Tony Anderson
        < <>> wrote:

            The operative code on the school server is
            /usr/libexec/create_user. What Manash describes
            is apparently using the db setup by idmgr to list the
            registered laptops. I don't think you will
            break compatibility.

            What I hope we can look at is implementing LDAP as a
            central authentication for all of the services which
            require a user name, password. Of the top of my head -
            Moodle, Khan Academy Lite, OwnCloud, and Elgg.

            My brief experience with OwnCloud is that it is a shell
            requiring a lot of configuration. I would be interested
            if TK has
            actually deployed it and, if so, how he uses it. I don't
            know of any one else who is using it at the moment.


            On 04/16/2016 10:05 AM, Jerry Vonau wrote:

                    On April 15, 2016 at 6:56 PM Manash Raja
                    <>> wrote:

                    I haven't modified anything for this feature on
                    the server side. I found
                    that it uses both idmgr and xs-authserver. But
                    the 5000 port is used by
                    xs-authserver to display a list of registered
                    laptops. I didn't enable it
                    myself, it was there. All I did was to setup my
                    server according to the
                    instructions and enabled the "XO register"
                    feature from the admin page.

                I'm concerned with backwards compatibility, the
                original 'schoolserver'(XS)
                based on CentOS-6 doesn't offer the xs-authserver
                service, hence why I
                mentioned it. I would not want to break a deployment
                where the older server
                version is used.

                    Can you tell me how ownCloud is supported by
                    XSCE? I saw it in the
                    ready to be enabled. So can we not move the
                    storage location of
                    /library/user/<some_id> inside or account based
                    user directories to the
                    cloud storage locations.


                The ownCloud service is not enabled out of the box,
                same as the
                'xo-services'. You can enable it and play around,
                figure out how and where
                the users' data is stored. Either idmgr or ownCloud
                could be altered to
                suit the need. Here it would be safe to rely on
                xs-authserver's information
                as there is no existing implementation of owncloud
                in previous releases of
                the server software. I can help push the server-side
                PR's through.

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