
I thought I'd forward this interesting note from a friend of a friend :)

I wonder if any of
could be sugarized :)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tom Higgins <tomhigg...@gmail.com>
Date: 1 May 2016 at 21:37
Subject: Re: [FoRK] OLPC?

Back when OLPC first started bubbling up the bits I was very excited seeing
as I had a couple of prime candidates for their use. As time went on other
options came to be, OLPC slipped into the background. Sugar held my
interest for longer than the hardware. I played with various versions in
vms. I tried to get the kids using Sugar On A Stick  but by then they had
already gotten used to an easy Linux gui and Android devices.  Rule of
thumb, if it can not run some version of Minecraft its a no go. At a
certain age range Minecraft is the social and educational must have
program.  They each have a Pi to play around with and a Lubuntu box as
their main rigs, we even went in for the Piper Box, which is much used.

I noticed  while back there was Sugar had a port for Android but that ship
has sailed.

And so it goes, for my uses at least. I was a great promise and a fantastic
idea, other things came up on the other lanes though and like many great
ideas was left behind.
I would love to hear that it took hold in those areas it seemed a great fit


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dave Crossland <d...@lab6.com>
Date: 1 May 2016 at 23:39
Subject: Re: [FoRK] OLPC?
To: tomhigg...@gmail.com


Hi Tom

Great stuff! May I forward this feedback to the sugar devel list? :)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tom Higgins <tomhigg...@gmail.com>
Date: 5 May 2016 at 20:39
Subject: Re: [FoRK] OLPC?
To: Dave Crossland <d...@lab6.com>

Sure thing. I think being a geek dad and my kids being the ages they
are we were are not sugar/olpc's best target. I love seeing it being
used though. It is a good step towards a truly universal Young Persons
Illustrated  Primer.

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