On 2 June 2016 at 04:58, Sean DALY <sdaly...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I myself don't see an upside with allowing random ads to be associated
> with Sugar Labs, for the tiny amount of income we might receive. If indeed
> our US nonprofit status through SFC would allow gains from advertising. Far
> better to do Calls to Action ("CTA" in their jargon) and Annotations,
> requesting donations.

What data do you have to back up this assertion? :)

I suggest that Samson learn how to do social media monetization by trying
both CTA/Annotations and ads and seeing which works better.

> I support Samuel's suggestion to regroup our social media accounts and
> publish a posting policy modelled on Cloudstack's.

I agree - Samson, would you be willing to draft a policy, a regrouping
plan, and a content plan?

(Perhaps in some ways similar to the plan I drafted for the Github

> Leaving aside our small content stream, a fundraising drive needs a
> compelling story about our vision and goals. I'm not sure what that story
> should be.

Per the conversion funnel model (
then I think the videos should be about "Discovery, Awareness, Attract,
Brand"; which is to say, that they should be short (under 1 minute), show
off 'the best of sugar' and leave people thinking "I want to try out Sugar"

How many cool things can be phrased like, "Did you know with Sugar you can
do X"?

Eg, I hope that by the end of the summer we can make a video that says "Did
you know with Sugar you can make fonts?"
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