Thanks.  Are you using 13.2.8?

The Fedora repositories for Fedora 18 moved, and this was fixed in
13.2.8, see here;

If you are using 13.2.7 or earlier, please use the workaround on that

I've just tested "sudo yum install vlc" on XO-1.5 with 13.2.8 and no
problem seen, just "No package vlc available.", so I'm not sure how
your system is configured; if the above workaround does not fix,
please show me your changed yum.repos.d files.

On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 08:48:54PM +0100, Chihurumnaya Ibiam wrote:
> Hey James, since you're still maintaining fedora18, "sudo yum vlc" - any
> activity- returns this error "Error cannot retrieve metalink for repository
> fedora18/i386" , editing the *fedora.repo files in /etc/yum.repos.d/ and
> changing
> all "https" to "http" solves the problem.
> Ibiam Chihurumnaya
> On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 1:58 AM, James Cameron <[1]> wrote:
>     Composite reply to several posts, in context, see below;
>     Samson wrote:
>     > I think we should really join the trend so that we can get more
>     > people using Sugar for Learning.  So what are your thought on this
>     > development?
>     I don't think it will work, as we don't have developers interested in
>     it.  If you're interested in it and are happy to commit fully without
>     relying on others, go for it.  But don't expect other resources to get
>     involved; as the argument from numbers is not compelling enough.
>     There are more learning tools available for Windows.
>     But the numbers are not the only reason why our customers choose
>     Linux.
>     Sebastian wrote:
>     > Sugar barely runs [...]
>     Yes, you're right.
>     > committed releasing Sugar every six months [...] we have no release
>     > schedule.
>     Yes, you're right.
>     A new release of Sugar with the bug fixes since 0.110 would help solve
>     the "barely runs" problem.
>     (also a release of the critical activities, not just the core;
>     newcomers to our community should note the term Sucrose has been in
>     our Taxonomy for many years, see the Wiki if you don't know what it
>     means.)
>     [2]
>     [3]
>     > I don't see Sugar Labs organization as capable of strategically
>     > funding Sugar development in any direction. Of course, volunteers
>     > can work in whatever they like, if it fits their principles.
>     I agree, and that's the basis of my engagement; subject to also
>     stabilising Sugar for OLPC OS on Fedora 18 and Ubuntu 16.04 for
>     delivery to OLPC customers; as a custom system with all obvious (to
>     me) bugs fixed.
>     Sugar Labs is heavily benefiting from my work for OLPC, and OLPC is
>     benefiting from other volunteers at Sugar Labs.
>     Dave wrote:
>     > codebase could be returned to OLPC
>     No thanks.  Where would the Sugar Labs volunteers go who are focused
>     on this codebase?
>     OLPC already maintains a fork with the fixes, and the changes that
>     Sugar Labs has not accepted.  All fixes have been pushed back to Sugar
>     Labs, but there has been no release, hence the exceedingly low quality
>     of the Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu experience at the moment.
>     OLPC fork version numbers are like 0.110.0.olpc.12
>     > Sugar Labs could focus on the JS Sugarizer codebase.
>     Sugarizer isn't integrated into Sugar Labs; the repositories are
>     split, cooperation is minimal, and the code for activities isn't
>     portable to execution environments other than Sugarizer; such as
>     sugar-web-activity.
>     So I'm certainly not inclined to support any activity development on
>     Sugarizer; because that development won't pay back for OLPC.
>     I'm probably going to have to port the Moon activity from GTK+ 2 to
>     GTK+ 3 unless someone can make the JavaScript version work on desktop.
>     ;-)  I did get half way through.
>     Zeeshan Khan also has the task for GsoC, so we might do it together.
>     I'd like to hear from Ignacio, Sam Parkinson and Abhijit what they
>     think of the port of Moon vs the JavaScript port; it may be simpler to
>     port the JavaScript version back to Sugar.
>     Samuel Cantero wrote:
>     > We should work to find out a new release manager [...]
>     Ignacio is the release manager at the moment, but my guess is that
>     he'd welcome someone else taking the job.  Hopefully he'll speak up.
>     Dave wrote:
>     > Do those xo run the latest release?
>     For mass deployment in Paraguay, they can run Sugar 0.110 plus all bug
>     fixes from OLPC by using our 13.2.8 as-is or by using it as basis of
>     custom build.
>     For individuals in Paraguay, they might run "yum update" to get Sugar
>     0.110 plus fixes, unless there's some problem with clock, proxy, or
>     yum.repos.d induced by environment of my bugs.
>     Samuel Cantero wrote:
>     > we're going to try to build a new ASLO in GSoC which must ease
>     > activities management, for both image builders and developers.
>     Please also consider Sugar Network, which Sebastian knows about, and
>     is used heavily, judging by the hit counts on the Sugar Labs servers.
>     Laura recently asked asking Sugar Labs for assistance with Sugar
>     Network and bringing a new deployment onto it may be helpful.
>     German wrote:
>     > At Dominican Republic, ~750 XO are running latest version of Sugar.
>     Good to get such positive feedback!  ;-)
>     --
>     James Cameron
>     [4]
>     _______________________________________________
>     IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
>     [5]
>     [6]
> References:
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]

James Cameron
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