Hi everyone, two weeks ago I went to San Francisco to meet GCI 2016
I had the chance to go in the same flight as Cristian (15 hours of
flight!), so basically I did not went alone :)
So let me tell everything we did :)
Ah, before I continue, I'm not good at writing :P

On the first day, we walked to the Google Offices, had some food and gifts
Winners got an awesome Pixel phone!
After that we all walked back to the hotel, and I suppose, we all went to
sleep :P.

Next day we went to Google Headquarters in Mountain View, we had a lot of
talks this day, talks, food, talks, more food, talks!
That day Chris DiBona gave the prizes to the winners. We later had a group
photo (Cristian, Tymon and I), and I could not ask for a selfie!

Cristian and Chris:
Cristian and me:
Tymon and Chris:
Cristian, Tymon and me (my selfie):
Cristian, Tymon and me:

(I love selfies btw).

Students had lunch with Googlers from their countries, Cristian and I got
to meet Diego, an Uruguayan Googler :).

Later that day we all went back to the hotel, and I invited Tymon&Cristian
to come to my room, and eat some snacks/walk all over the hotel :P
And guess, we took selfies :)
You can see all of them here:

Next day we went to Alcatraz, we got to eat in a restaurant (or it looked
like, I don't remember the name), to later take a bus and go to the Golden
Gate bridge, were I was able to take some pictures as well, here's one:
http://people.sugarlabs.org/ignacio/pi/DbNJ+UPFqMSf6YATmA44.jpg :)

After that we went to a yacht where we spent 2 hours or so, having fun :)
I talked a lot with the other orgs mentors and took some photos as well!

Once again, after that activity we all went to the hotel.
Cristian, his mom and I went to walk outside :)
We got some pictures with the Google San Francisco sign
Cristian: http://people.sugarlabs.org/ignacio/pi/i2sG0SCLOTzrxuC75XP9.jpg
Me: http://people.sugarlabs.org/ignacio/pi/b2cgFBBoZYqiblDZIspr.jpg

Then, we went to the hotel.
Next, and last day, we walked to Google San francisco offices again, where
few Googlers talked about their projects (Project FI, Google Code Jam, etc).
Again, we had food :), and some popcorn :D

Later that day I spent my last hours in SF with the mentors, we went to
Chinatown, Palace of Fine Arts, and took some selfies :P

We also had some pizza :D

I honestly loved this trip, it feel somehow different from my two times
going as a student.
I had a lot of more fun (maybe because I was just comfortable with my
English level, and did not felt shy at all). But who knows :)

Thanks everyone for letting me go.
I'm really glad I got to met Tymon, and got the chance to flight with

Thanks again
and sorry for this long email :)

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