On 09/22/2017 07:19 AM, Laura Vargas wrote:
Let's say for example a teacher on field suggests we should make downloading new activities easy and doable from the Sugar User Interface. What should the teacher do with his/her idea?

First, we need a way for the teacher to make that request. Perhaps we need something on the SugarLabs web site that steers a user to a support forum.

Second, explain how to do this. It is very simple if the user has access to the internet (go to ASLO, click on download, and the Browse activity installs it). Generally browsers will download mime_types where immediate rendering is not available such as .xo bundles. So a user can download the xo bundle, copy it to a usb stick, and then install using sugar-install-bundle.The schoolserver provides the ability to use Browse to install activities from links to the bundles.

This is the advantage of being specific. It enables specific proposals to deal with the issue effectively and appropriately.

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