> Yes, I have few questionsn
> Is this work suppose to use within Sugarlabs or other education institutes or 
> communities provision there own infrastructure and setup their own Sugarizer 
> in the cloud?

We are mostly targeting schools with this project.

> Do we have a SaaS model as well? I mean creating tenants and let multiple 
> communities on same Sugarlabs cloud where they can have their own 
> customization (custom activities, branding, etc)?
> Do we have a requirement on monitoring?

No, for the moment allowing a community to deploy their own infrastructure is 
the asked feature.

> How frequently we release Sugarizer?

The time between updates may vary, you can ask Lionel Laské if he has more 

> I am familiar with Ansible and I would like to give try using Terraform and 
> other options.

Great !

> Is there any documentation of current architecture?

You may try to deploy Sugarizer using the readme of the Sugarizer Server repo : 
You will be able to deploy using manual commands or docker-compose.


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