
On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 11:37 AM, Tony Anderson <t...@olenepal.org> wrote:

> As always, the question is the impact on our users. The traditional source
> of information for users is http://www.sugarlabs.org and
> http://www.laptop.org and, especially the wiki pages. The traditional
> source for activities is http://activities.sugarlabs.org (ASLO). So far
> the effect of gitHub has been to reduce the value of these two sources. In
> many cases the activities on ASLO have been superceded by ones on gitHub or
> other git repository but are not available to our users. The documentation
> of activities on ASLO has never been adequate but now no effort will be
> made to improve it. This continues the trend toward Sugar being a
> playground for the technical elite.
> Tony

I agree with all points that Tony put forward and especially where GitHub
either directly or indirectly resulted in the reduction of value of the two
sources mentioned. The world is changing, technology at present will become
obsolete at one point of time. The decision of Sugar Labs to keep with the
times, advance, grow, and get new developers associated by migrating its
documentation of activities is a critical for future opportunities and will
help everyone involved.

Like I mentioned in my proposal too that documentation is one of the most
important steps of any project specially if it is open-source. I know that
because of the experience of actually writing and reading it for years
myself. If for users, the documentation is easy to read, easy to edit and
accessible fast. Then I think that helps everybody. Be it users, members
and even developers looking to contribute.

Thanks for your comments, Tony. Will be sure to add them to my proposal. I
really think my project would be beneficial for the community and all its
users involved.

Vipul Gupta
Mixster <https://mixstersite.wordpress.com/> | Github
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