Hi Walter and Lionel,

Lionel Laské <lionel.la...@gmail.com> writes:

>     2. Do you have a plan for reconciling the licensing issue [2]?
>     The issue is marked as Wont Fix, but I don't think that is
>     adequate. In addition, there has been a lot of unilateral
>     re-licensing of GPL and AGPL content to Apache. This is not OK.
>     We could ask the SFC for their advice as to how to proceed.

I think it's fine to ask SFC advice, but we should list issues first.

Porting a software to another language/framework is not reusing code,
so Lionel's answer seems fine to me in issues #48[1].

But if some content has been published under GPLv2(+) or GPLv3(+)
then relicensed under Apache 2.0, that's probably a mistake and we
certainly should fix it.

I'm willing to help in this area.

[1]  https://github.com/llaske/sugarizer/issues/48

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